Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm not Barbie!!!

Why are there people in this world who think I am a Barbie Doll?? When they first get me I am the best thing ever and then they play with me use me and throw me in a pile with all of their other crap and expect me to act like nothing is wrong a months later when they decide they want to play with me again... That because they have a house for me and clothes they want for me to wear I am supposed to be happy towards them no matter what...When they decide to pick me up out of their pile of crap I am supposed to be so happy to see them and act like they are the perfect person to me that I cannot live without them moving my legs to make me walk or telling me what to say to them or others...I AM NOT FRICKIN BARBIE!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yes I am a grown woman, and yes my scream does sound like a 5 year old girls!

Do you see that critter just above these words????? Well I had one scare the holy living CRAP out of me!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought I would share the story!!!
Last night after everyone in my house was sleeping, and I was finished "nerding out," I figured I would go do my horible habit (smoking) before bed. Now since I had nobody to talk to I picked up the latest book I was reading off the ground in front of my couch. I went outside, holding my page in the book with just a finger. I lit my cancer stick and preceeded to sit back in my rocking chair and relax. I opened my book, took a drag, AND OH MY GOD THERE WAS A SCORPION CRAWLING ON THE BOOK!!!!!!!! So I did what every normal person would do, I screamed in a very high pitched manner and threw the book!!! Then I ran inside to grab my husband's flashlight, totally forgetting that shoes might be a good idea, and went back outside to serve up a death sentence.  Realizing I forgot shoes, I had no way to kill the nasty littlt bugger. So I did the next best thing, I grabbed the heavy 1 ton floor jack that was sitting to the patio. As I tried to run over that, that thing HE STARTED RUNNING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know they could move that fast!!!!! Yes, another quick shriek escaped my lips! So... there I was holding a flashlight with my shoulder and using both hands to try and steer this jack. I imaging I looked like a flippin lunatic! I finally smooshed the "thing" and I admit it I did the whole "YES!!" movement with my arms. I went inside still holding onto the flashlight and woke the husband to go to bed. In his very groggy state I briefly told him about the scorpion and how I was sceered!!! So here we are the next day and I am happy to report the exterminator will be poisoning all the bugs on this property tomorrow afternoon!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tired of faking Happy!!!

Do you ever get tired of having to fake happy? Are you the person that seems to always be expected to have a smile permanently stuck on your face? Me to and gosh darn it I AM SICK OF IT!!!! Me normally OK I am one of those happy ish people, but for goodness sakes I have those days and many of them where I just don't want to smile, you know when I am in a sad, mad or angry mood. Now the problem is I have like you may have to is that for some reason people think that my smile is supposed to be there no matter what. They are wrong. It is weird I just cant wrap my head around the fact that people think some people always have to be happy or even fake happy. I have had that said to me before, can you just fake happy so people don't think something is wrong? This made me laugh then get angry, who has the right to tell me that I have to at least fake the happy to make them and others around me think nothing is wrong. Holy crap ! It is OK for me to have something crappy going on in my life and I don't care who knows about it. I think it is so stupid some people are so stupid. Something I have started doing that makes me feel a bit better at the time is by saying this.... Hi my name is ... and I am Angry today!!!! I know it seems silly but it works so try it sometime.