Thursday, May 3, 2012

To cook or not to cook.....

As a mom who loves to cook I am finding harder and harder to do all the cooking I would love to do. The big meals, supper when we all sit at the table together or even in front of the TV together, Breakfast where you have to do more than pour the milk into the bowl of cereal, and lunch on the weekends grilling burgers or dogs.... Where has the time gone??? Sadly though my biggest problem is not always time, it is money !!! It is sad that we can eat out at a restaurant (not MC Donald's) for cheaper than what I can buy food to prepare. Now this is not always the case I am a thrifty shopper and can get good deals when cooking from scratch it is cheaper but on those nights and there are so many when I need to cook something quickly the easy to prepare meals are to high! I have gotten to the point when my kids ask what is for supper I tell them I am cooking Chinese!!! They know this means either I am cooking my cashew chicken or more than likely taking them to the Dragon King for supper! Are there more moms out there having this same issue well if you ask me and my window licking sister wife ha ha ha  there are a lot of us!!! Moms who cook are dieing breed!!! So I plead to you grocery store dude lower your prices and save our children from all the preservatives we are forced to let them eat!!! Was that a bit dramatic? Maybe, but that's how I roll...

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