Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Big Mama

Ok everyone I have a dilema maybe you can help me solve... I have this beautiful animal we call big mama, she is a 150lb Rottweiler sweet as can be. The problem, she is a 150lb Rott! I would love bringing her into our home but there is a issue of the gas... Yep you heard it right GAS!!! What can I do about this problem? The way to think of the smell hmmm say you have 10 small dogs, I think you get it. Can I give her Beano, or something like that? I miss her in the house so much she is a big cuddle teddy bear. Ok so more of a pigweiler, she snorts and snores and slobbers everywhere. Oh My Gosh can you believe what it cost for school pictures?!?! Really why so much I dont get it. Sorry... So about Big mama any clues?

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