Monday, April 23, 2012

OMG your life is so much better than mine, yay you!?!

OK, here goes the rant from the crazy lady who is tired of hearing how great you have it in life! As a wife and mother and human being I know life can not and will not be perfect and if you try to tell others something different you are lying!!!! I used to think it was jealousy that would make me feel icky (yes I said Icky) when I would hear or read about how everything is so good in people lives, how they have the best marriage and the greatest kids, but I have seen the light I am just sick of people lying to make themselves look better to others. Here is a hint people you are not looking better to others we are all wondering what is so bad in your life that you cannot tell it? Before you all get upset with me please understand I am not one who has had it easy, yes there are many great and wonderful things about my life. Things I would not trade for anything in this world, and I will periodically let people know about the great things in my life. here is the kicker, I will tell the good things but I also tell the bad or frustrating things in my life. THIS IS NORMAL!!! See the difference? If not oh well, again this was just a rant form a crazy lady!!!! I wish all the best for everyone in their lives, may we all be happy...

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