Sunday, June 24, 2012

More rantings from a mom who has had ENOUGH!

In life there are some who have it easy and then there are the rest of us... I know bla bla bla another mom complaining how bad her life is and how hard she has it. Before I continue I must state that if my or any other husband or man says well trade jobs with me you have it easy, I say to them Bite me!!! Now that is out of the way, Many moms are stay at home moms or work part time outside of the home. On top of our 24 hour job of being a mom and wife, we then leave the home to try to help pay bills. So when our husbands tell us you dont need to worry about the bills or money I worry about that, it makes us want to scream!!! Really Really?!?!? I am not supposed to worry about how we are going to pay the bills and if we have the money for groceries, or God forbid worry about having rent money!!! This is so Stupid! I know it is not nice or whatever to say something is stupid but seriously IT IS SO STUPID!!!!! We worry! We stress! We cry! It is not us being mean or feeling sorry for ourselves, this is us feeling and let me tell you it is ok for us to feel, again if you dont agree I say Bite Me! Now let me set the record straight we worry alot but thats just how we are programed. So acceot it deal with it and lets move on. I know there might be some stay at home dads who understand and I give it to you it is hard to do what we do. I think for me the hardest thing to here from my husband is "ok you think I have it easy you go to work I will stay at home, you worry about the bills, you worry about money for groceries, and I will clean and make sure the kids get to school" it is so easy for someone to think what we do is easy, that all we do is take the kids to school and go home and clean a little and relax. I guess they forget the getting up early getting the kids breakfast getting them ready for school taking them to school, coming home and cleaning the house, going to the grocery store so you have food to eat, coming back home putting up the groceries, picking the kids back up from school, giving the kids a snack, helping them with their homework, taking them to their after school activities, making supper, feeding everyone supper, spending time with our husbands, getting the kids in and out of the shower, getting them ready for bed, making sure they have brushed their teeth, and then tucking them in, cleaning up the kitchen from supper, feeding the pets, spending time with the husband take a shower, spend more time with the husband, and finally trying to get some sleep. 4 hours later we wake up and do it all again!!!! This list can be longer. Crazy right? Now I dont know if anyone else noticed this but Never was their time for mom to be herself, time where we are not doing anything for anyone else. So we can have those bad days and it is ok, and please dont ask us if we are mad at you everytime we are having a bad day! 6 out of 10 times we are probably mad at you but the other 4 times it is one of the other 10million things going on in my life!!!!!

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