Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Finally Accepting who I am....

Tonight something happened that I really cant say has ever happened to me before... I stepped out of the shower, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror...Now this is something I always try to avoid...but as I said for the first time ever I saw myself and accepted myself for the way I am, a little bigger in some areas and smaller in others,a mess of curly red hair, and some crazy dark circles under my eyes. Now as a mother of 3 I have many stretch marks, and my skin wont go back to where it was before, I have what I like to call a flat butt, and my boobs fall a little further than I would like. Even with all of that I finally see I don't have to be what others think is perfect, for myself to think I am perfect the way I am... I don't have to kill myself to fit into smaller clothes, or cut my hair a certain way, and those scars on the side of my mouth didn't chase my husband off so maybe they aren't as noticeable as I seem to think. I know tomorrow while getting out of the shower I may see myself and go right back to hating what I see, I really hope I don't, and I really hope any woman who reads this will stop and look at themselves and say what have I been so afraid of? I am beautiful the way I am, and accept themselves the way they are. It is OK to want to change yourself for you , just make sure it is for you and no one else. Stick thin, Curvy or somewhere in the middle you are who you are and you are beautifully made!!!

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