It is once again time for the Holiday family get togethers we all love and cherish so much.... Never mind the crazy running around you have to do to put it all together, or the cleaning up you have to do when it is done. Just think about how nice it is to see the family you live near and never see, how much fun it is to have a bunch of loud kids running and playing instead of just a couple. Remember how you feel when you get the picture of everyone smiling and acting as they like eachother. But most of all remember how lucky you are to have the family that you dont always see, and that you might not always get along with. Remember you are blessed!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
What happens when the super glue holding your heart back together seems to be giving out again? I heard a song once that said how do you mend a broken heart?, I wish I had the answer, I wish I knew someone who had the answer. I feel my heart has been ripped out of my chest thrown on the ground and kicked time after time after time. Really what do you do when the apologies seem empty? When it seems like the only reason for the I'm sorry is so they can get what they want...I know sometimes you accept the apology and think you move on, but there are the times when you have been hurt so bad that you can't move on...It is good to vent, it is good to have someone to talk to, but you feel bad always complaining or venting out your problems to your friend, even though they say that is what they are here for. You still feel bad. Its not always your love who breaks your heart either... when you are a mom or a dad there are so many things that can rip your heart to shreds. Your kids getting hurt, your kids being sad, your kids not listening to you. There seems to always be something just waiting for you to have a good day so it can squash it. But really it comes back to how do you mend a broken heart? Maybe I need to find the song and see what it says. You never know it may not be to wrong...
Friday, September 7, 2012
What Happened????????????
Now my daughter is listening to these teeny popper boy bands and I can't tell if they are boys or girls!! Has our society been pushed too hard about feminism that the men are trying to be more femine? Guys are not supposed to be PRETTY!! They are rough and dirty and strong....... Oh sorry drooling moment! I'm just scared my tomboy little girl will end up with a guy she is more manly than!!! And I have 4 boys! There is no way I am going to teach them how to pluck their eyebrows!! Maybe I am too critical, or maybe all these new boy groups are REALLY girls!!!!!!!!!!
So I will end this crazy post with one more thing. To Justin Beiber's mom; I really hope you are proud of your daughter!!!!!!Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Finally Accepting who I am....
Tonight something happened that I really cant say has ever happened to me before... I stepped out of the shower, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror...Now this is something I always try to avoid...but as I said for the first time ever I saw myself and accepted myself for the way I am, a little bigger in some areas and smaller in others,a mess of curly red hair, and some crazy dark circles under my eyes. Now as a mother of 3 I have many stretch marks, and my skin wont go back to where it was before, I have what I like to call a flat butt, and my boobs fall a little further than I would like. Even with all of that I finally see I don't have to be what others think is perfect, for myself to think I am perfect the way I am... I don't have to kill myself to fit into smaller clothes, or cut my hair a certain way, and those scars on the side of my mouth didn't chase my husband off so maybe they aren't as noticeable as I seem to think. I know tomorrow while getting out of the shower I may see myself and go right back to hating what I see, I really hope I don't, and I really hope any woman who reads this will stop and look at themselves and say what have I been so afraid of? I am beautiful the way I am, and accept themselves the way they are. It is OK to want to change yourself for you , just make sure it is for you and no one else. Stick thin, Curvy or somewhere in the middle you are who you are and you are beautifully made!!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
As promised a little "Pudding!!!"
Oh just so you know We here at Window Lickers are total Supernatural fans, well mainly Jensen Ackles fans!!!!!!!!! If ya haven't seen this show go to Netflix and watch every single episode so you can see why we love this show!!!!! Enjoy!!!!
School Shopping.......yay..........
Ahhh its that time of year again. Now I know most people dread christmas shopping, but to me its back to school shopping! Not only do we need to buy our kids new clothes that are "in style" this year, but we also get to pour hundreds of dollars into school supplies for them.
Ahhhh if only all of it weren't such necessary items! If you have more than one child then you understand how screwed we get come August. I have 5. That means new shirts, new shorts, new pants, new shoes, new socks, new under garmets for F-I-V-E!!!!!! Ooh but lets not forget they all need backpacks, lunch boxes, notebooks, pens (black, blue, and red), pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, dry erase markers, highlighters, calculators, compasses, ruled paper, copy paper, folders, and, please god, lastly a binder. FOR 5!!!!!!!! But then the teacher would greatly appreciate a donation of tissue, hand sanitizer, stickers, snacks, construction paper and any type of crafting suppies! And you just can't say no to what the teacher wants for donation because you know teachers don't make that much so they wouldn't be able to afford it! So tell me, add it all up, which is worse? Christmas or Back to School?????????
Ahhhh if only all of it weren't such necessary items! If you have more than one child then you understand how screwed we get come August. I have 5. That means new shirts, new shorts, new pants, new shoes, new socks, new under garmets for F-I-V-E!!!!!! Ooh but lets not forget they all need backpacks, lunch boxes, notebooks, pens (black, blue, and red), pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, dry erase markers, highlighters, calculators, compasses, ruled paper, copy paper, folders, and, please god, lastly a binder. FOR 5!!!!!!!! But then the teacher would greatly appreciate a donation of tissue, hand sanitizer, stickers, snacks, construction paper and any type of crafting suppies! And you just can't say no to what the teacher wants for donation because you know teachers don't make that much so they wouldn't be able to afford it! So tell me, add it all up, which is worse? Christmas or Back to School?????????
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Just for laughs.....
Thought I would post something that would most definately make anyone laugh. We all need something like this sometimes to get us out of our crappy moods, I know I do. My next happy post will include "Pudding!"
Friday, July 13, 2012
I'm not Barbie!!!
Why are there people in this world who think I am a Barbie Doll?? When they first get me I am the best thing ever and then they play with me use me and throw me in a pile with all of their other crap and expect me to act like nothing is wrong a months later when they decide they want to play with me again... That because they have a house for me and clothes they want for me to wear I am supposed to be happy towards them no matter what...When they decide to pick me up out of their pile of crap I am supposed to be so happy to see them and act like they are the perfect person to me that I cannot live without them moving my legs to make me walk or telling me what to say to them or others...I AM NOT FRICKIN BARBIE!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Yes I am a grown woman, and yes my scream does sound like a 5 year old girls!
Do you see that critter just above these words????? Well I had one scare the holy living CRAP out of me!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought I would share the story!!!
Last night after everyone in my house was sleeping, and I was finished "nerding out," I figured I would go do my horible habit (smoking) before bed. Now since I had nobody to talk to I picked up the latest book I was reading off the ground in front of my couch. I went outside, holding my page in the book with just a finger. I lit my cancer stick and preceeded to sit back in my rocking chair and relax. I opened my book, took a drag, AND OH MY GOD THERE WAS A SCORPION CRAWLING ON THE BOOK!!!!!!!! So I did what every normal person would do, I screamed in a very high pitched manner and threw the book!!! Then I ran inside to grab my husband's flashlight, totally forgetting that shoes might be a good idea, and went back outside to serve up a death sentence. Realizing I forgot shoes, I had no way to kill the nasty littlt bugger. So I did the next best thing, I grabbed the heavy 1 ton floor jack that was sitting to the patio. As I tried to run over that, that thing HE STARTED RUNNING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know they could move that fast!!!!! Yes, another quick shriek escaped my lips! So... there I was holding a flashlight with my shoulder and using both hands to try and steer this jack. I imaging I looked like a flippin lunatic! I finally smooshed the "thing" and I admit it I did the whole "YES!!" movement with my arms. I went inside still holding onto the flashlight and woke the husband to go to bed. In his very groggy state I briefly told him about the scorpion and how I was sceered!!! So here we are the next day and I am happy to report the exterminator will be poisoning all the bugs on this property tomorrow afternoon!!!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tired of faking Happy!!!
Do you ever get tired of having to fake happy? Are you the person that seems to always be expected to have a smile permanently stuck on your face? Me to and gosh darn it I AM SICK OF IT!!!! Me normally OK I am one of those happy ish people, but for goodness sakes I have those days and many of them where I just don't want to smile, you know when I am in a sad, mad or angry mood. Now the problem is I have like you may have to is that for some reason people think that my smile is supposed to be there no matter what. They are wrong. It is weird I just cant wrap my head around the fact that people think some people always have to be happy or even fake happy. I have had that said to me before, can you just fake happy so people don't think something is wrong? This made me laugh then get angry, who has the right to tell me that I have to at least fake the happy to make them and others around me think nothing is wrong. Holy crap ! It is OK for me to have something crappy going on in my life and I don't care who knows about it. I think it is so stupid some people are so stupid. Something I have started doing that makes me feel a bit better at the time is by saying this.... Hi my name is ... and I am Angry today!!!! I know it seems silly but it works so try it sometime.
Friday, June 29, 2012
I'm Tired!!!
Can someone out there please tell me why moms are made to feel bad for saying we are tired? Are we not allowed to be tired, with everything we do in a day are we not justified being tired? For example... mom does her normal day,(taking care if the kids the house the husband the animals....) then after getting the kids to bed and the kitchen cleaned up from supper wants to sit down and take a minute for herself (HA HA HA) her husband comes up to her and asks can we spend some time together? The wife/mom says sure do you want to watch a movie or something like play cards? The husband says no thats not waht I the wife/mom says ok but I am tired. THe husband replies...that figures your always tired when are you not going to be tired? THe wife/mom replies well maybe when I dont have to do everything myself! The husband says nothing! So you have an example can you please tell me why it is not expected for moms to be worn out to be tired to need a break to get out of the house without the kids?!?! When we say I have to run and get milk I will be right back and she gets the question well can I come why dont we all go as a family? REALLY I can't run and get milk without the kids why am I not allowed to leave this house alone!!! Do husbands not understand that for many moms the only alone time we get is when we can run to pick up the milk or the toilet paper? Wow what exciting lives we live!!!! Is it to much to ask for us to get a minute alone or God forbid a couple hours or shall I say it a DAY?!?!? Yes many of us may not have kids at home during the day but it is not like we are stting on our butts watching tv the whole day its not like we are not doing the laundry or mopping or a favorite cleaning the toilets! So why are we treated less than? Many husbands have their sports they watch normally alone so the kids or wives dont bother them, or on their way home from work they stop by and see a friend. Which is all fine but why can we not to the same. Oh and the talking on the phone thing.... Yes I am on the phone longer than my husband and more often than him as well, but when am I supposed to have to time to go see these people? If I cannot see people I need to be able to talk to them... and for me and my bestest friend ever we have a bigger problem, we live 4 states away from eachother so its not like we can do our shopping together or take the kids to the park together... so we talk on the phone, and yes it is different than talking to your husband...I believe women need atleast one women friend to talk to, to share their worries with to share there frustrations with. If we atleast have just that one person our lives can be a bit happier. So men when your wife or girlfriend says I am tired dont come down her for it, maybe see what you can do to help to make her less tired. Does she not do this for you? Making your meals washing your clothes.....
Sunday, June 24, 2012
More rantings from a mom who has had ENOUGH!
In life there are some who have it easy and then there are the rest of us... I know bla bla bla another mom complaining how bad her life is and how hard she has it. Before I continue I must state that if my or any other husband or man says well trade jobs with me you have it easy, I say to them Bite me!!! Now that is out of the way, Many moms are stay at home moms or work part time outside of the home. On top of our 24 hour job of being a mom and wife, we then leave the home to try to help pay bills. So when our husbands tell us you dont need to worry about the bills or money I worry about that, it makes us want to scream!!! Really Really?!?!? I am not supposed to worry about how we are going to pay the bills and if we have the money for groceries, or God forbid worry about having rent money!!! This is so Stupid! I know it is not nice or whatever to say something is stupid but seriously IT IS SO STUPID!!!!! We worry! We stress! We cry! It is not us being mean or feeling sorry for ourselves, this is us feeling and let me tell you it is ok for us to feel, again if you dont agree I say Bite Me! Now let me set the record straight we worry alot but thats just how we are programed. So acceot it deal with it and lets move on. I know there might be some stay at home dads who understand and I give it to you it is hard to do what we do. I think for me the hardest thing to here from my husband is "ok you think I have it easy you go to work I will stay at home, you worry about the bills, you worry about money for groceries, and I will clean and make sure the kids get to school" it is so easy for someone to think what we do is easy, that all we do is take the kids to school and go home and clean a little and relax. I guess they forget the getting up early getting the kids breakfast getting them ready for school taking them to school, coming home and cleaning the house, going to the grocery store so you have food to eat, coming back home putting up the groceries, picking the kids back up from school, giving the kids a snack, helping them with their homework, taking them to their after school activities, making supper, feeding everyone supper, spending time with our husbands, getting the kids in and out of the shower, getting them ready for bed, making sure they have brushed their teeth, and then tucking them in, cleaning up the kitchen from supper, feeding the pets, spending time with the husband take a shower, spend more time with the husband, and finally trying to get some sleep. 4 hours later we wake up and do it all again!!!! This list can be longer. Crazy right? Now I dont know if anyone else noticed this but Never was their time for mom to be herself, time where we are not doing anything for anyone else. So we can have those bad days and it is ok, and please dont ask us if we are mad at you everytime we are having a bad day! 6 out of 10 times we are probably mad at you but the other 4 times it is one of the other 10million things going on in my life!!!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I Hate My.....
As a stay at home mom of three kids I have noticed this is not something i just noticed. It is something I have being seeing in myself for a while....I HATE MY BODY!!!! I know I know many women out there hate their bodies too, so maybe you can relate. Now my kids are getting older and they are always doing something, which means so am I. I take them swimming, this makes me hate my body even more...I take them to the park, and their sport events, I even jump on the trampoline with them, yes this makes me hate my body even more. I see women who are naturally shaped well even after having kids and doing nothing, this makes me hate my body even more, I see the women who have the discipline to workout (I am so jealous of them) and this makes me hate my body even more. Get the point if not you never will. Now my husband says he loves me the way I my head I hear I love you no matter how chubby you get. Which is great and all and I love him for it but what I don't think guys get is that I DON'T LIKE MY BODY!!!! and guess what guys it is OK for you to tell us you like us the way we are but our opinion of ourselves matters too!!!! So, I am determined to like my body at least a little more than I do now. Now I don't want to be a stick I am a women and darn it I am going to look like one!!! I don't want to be able to share my daughters clothes or even wear a bikini (I am way to white for that). I just want to feel good for me. So here is what I have been trying...eating lots of fruits RAW, not out of a can. Eating less of what I would normally eat this means chocolate, and this is the hardest one for me I love chocolate. I have gotten a bit smaller which has made me feel better, but I still see the big me in the mirror. I am sticking with the fruits and hope to be happier and happier, now the way I know I need to stop is when my bra gets to big on me...When the girls start getting smaller I am done. Again I don't want to be a stick or look like a teenage boy! So wish me luck and to all out there going through the same thing I understand!!! You are in no means alone, if you don't believe me take a poll go up to as many moms as you know and ask them honestly do you like your body? You may be surprised to see how many of us there are...
Monday, June 4, 2012
Summer Water Fun
Now that summer vacation is here, I try to get my kids to play outside. Where I live it is HOT!!!! So to make it a little more bearable I let the kids play in the water. Makes sense right!?!?! I would generally have absolutely no problem letting them have a hay day with it, but I do have two small issues. First, water is expensive! Water, ya know the stuff that covers 75% of the planet!!! In the summer I end up with a water bill that is almost as high as my freakin electric bill, and I run my AC nonstop!!!!!!!!!! But I like that they actually will go outside to play, no scratch that I NEED them going outside to play!! Second, because I live in the desert, I have no grass. So where most would not have a problem letting there kids water their yard, I get a monster sized mud pit for a backyard. And its some sticky stuff!! My kids will wear it like its sunblock! Everything covered in mud, and they want to come into my nicely cleaned house!!!!!! After about 3 complete meltdowns, they do know, NOW, they must rinse off before coming in, but apparently I didn't say anything about drying off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
The end of the school year
Like most parents, a few months ago I was looking forward to summer break, now that it is upon me...........oh God how will I survive!?!
Maybe I'll be able to sleep in......... doubtful considering the kids all have an internal clock that wakes them at 6am. But I can deal with that, what I am not really looking forward to is the billion times in one day I will hear, "I'm bored!" For some reason my kids don't seem to understand that when I tell them to entertain themselves, it does not include being on a game system or the computer!!!!! Read a book, color in a coloring book, play outside, play with the multitudes of toys they have!!! I need a plan for this summer to keep what is left of my sanity!!!! Any suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I'll be able to sleep in......... doubtful considering the kids all have an internal clock that wakes them at 6am. But I can deal with that, what I am not really looking forward to is the billion times in one day I will hear, "I'm bored!" For some reason my kids don't seem to understand that when I tell them to entertain themselves, it does not include being on a game system or the computer!!!!! Read a book, color in a coloring book, play outside, play with the multitudes of toys they have!!! I need a plan for this summer to keep what is left of my sanity!!!! Any suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
But Why Do I HAve To..........
Anyone out there with a daughter beware!!!!!!!!!! You will say this phrase at least 10 time a day! My 11year old daughter has decided that no matter what I tell her to do she wants to argue and know my reasons for making her do it. Like I am going to tell her to do something that is dangerous!!! "Hey Billi, I think traffic would be the best place for you to practice your flute!!!" I'm really not asking much! Please clean your room, stop fighting with your brothers, TAKE A SHOWER!!!!!!!!!! She is only 11, God please help me when she turns 16!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mothers Day list
Things a mom wants for Mothers Day
- Gift card to get a mani/pedi
- Let mom sleep in
- Go out to supper
- Bath Soap
- Time to use the Bath Soap
- A trip to the bathroom without anyone knocking on the door asking whatcha doing?
- Someone else emtpy the dishwasher
- Someone else vacuum the floor
- Let mom take a nap
- A one day vacation from reality
Things you only think mom wants for Mothers Day
- A new vaccum cleaner
- Anything used to cook or clean
- A Snuggie
- The oil changed in her car
- Someone waiting on her hand and foot
- A trip to Walmart
- A Bath Robe
- Any tools to clean the yard
- A membership to a gym (even if it is something she has wanted get it a different day)
- To go all over the place/ or stay home all day
Thursday, May 3, 2012
To cook or not to cook.....
As a mom who loves to cook I am finding harder and harder to do all the cooking I would love to do. The big meals, supper when we all sit at the table together or even in front of the TV together, Breakfast where you have to do more than pour the milk into the bowl of cereal, and lunch on the weekends grilling burgers or dogs.... Where has the time gone??? Sadly though my biggest problem is not always time, it is money !!! It is sad that we can eat out at a restaurant (not MC Donald's) for cheaper than what I can buy food to prepare. Now this is not always the case I am a thrifty shopper and can get good deals when cooking from scratch it is cheaper but on those nights and there are so many when I need to cook something quickly the easy to prepare meals are to high! I have gotten to the point when my kids ask what is for supper I tell them I am cooking Chinese!!! They know this means either I am cooking my cashew chicken or more than likely taking them to the Dragon King for supper! Are there more moms out there having this same issue well if you ask me and my window licking sister wife ha ha ha there are a lot of us!!! Moms who cook are dieing breed!!! So I plead to you grocery store dude lower your prices and save our children from all the preservatives we are forced to let them eat!!! Was that a bit dramatic? Maybe, but that's how I roll...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Ok everybody knows somebody that they can't help thinkin, "Really????" But sometimes some people are really horrible. Common sense is a natural thing right? Everybody has at least a little, right??? I am slowly loosing hope in humanity for the idiotic things they do!!!!! Parents need to act like parents, teenagers like teenagers, if you're a parent you CAN NOT act like a teenager!!!!! Come on!!!! Responsibility is earned or thrust upon you, but if you make the choice to accept it then you can't un-accept it! This has been your daily rantings from a crazy lady!!! Thank you till next time............
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sorry for the outburst
Beware of a wife and mother that seems to have it all together.... At some point in time we all go BOOM!. Today is my day, I hold things in, try to smile and act like things are fine or will be fine, but today I couldnt take anymore... So to those of you and you know who you are turn on your blicker when turning, turn it off when your done and for goodness sakes when you see a red sign that says stop just STOP!!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
OMG your life is so much better than mine, yay you!?!
OK, here goes the rant from the crazy lady who is tired of hearing how great you have it in life! As a wife and mother and human being I know life can not and will not be perfect and if you try to tell others something different you are lying!!!! I used to think it was jealousy that would make me feel icky (yes I said Icky) when I would hear or read about how everything is so good in people lives, how they have the best marriage and the greatest kids, but I have seen the light I am just sick of people lying to make themselves look better to others. Here is a hint people you are not looking better to others we are all wondering what is so bad in your life that you cannot tell it? Before you all get upset with me please understand I am not one who has had it easy, yes there are many great and wonderful things about my life. Things I would not trade for anything in this world, and I will periodically let people know about the great things in my life. here is the kicker, I will tell the good things but I also tell the bad or frustrating things in my life. THIS IS NORMAL!!! See the difference? If not oh well, again this was just a rant form a crazy lady!!!! I wish all the best for everyone in their lives, may we all be happy...
Friday, April 13, 2012
School buses good or evil?
Discussion time!! Here is the topic....School buses and their drivers , do they have the right to blow off all traffic laws because they have a schedule to keep? To me this is a problem I have now been almost squished by two of them. Lets see, they don't think they have to stop at stop signs, or drive the speed limit, or even stay on their side of the road! Really what is that hard about doing what you are supposed to do? So I leave this to you and please feel free to voice your opinion.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
How the heck??????
Any mom with kids will understand this one!! So I went in to clean my kids' bathroom, and as I was tackling the soap scum on the tub I noticed this odd spot on the wall behind the showerhead. Now my kids (all 5 of them!!) are under 5 foot tall, so how the heck did they get dirt behind the showerhead?!?! I am so lost!! Is there a mysterious dirt fairy that is laughing in my face??? How did this happen?? Even I had problems getting to it!!! I can just picture a little "Swiffer" person laughing at me as I was trying to get rid of this dirty spot!!!! But what I really want to know is how'd they do that!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
After a long day there is nothing better than relaxing in a nice hot bath....Oh wait thats not me in the hot bath its one of the kids. Sometimes I forgot that once you have kids it is funny to even think for a minute that you could have more than 30 seconds in the bath without someone knocking on the door or hollering MOMMMM!!!! And even worse to think about by the time the kids are out of the house you will be more than likely to old and crippled to use the bath...Ahh good times...
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Big Mama
Ok everyone I have a dilema maybe you can help me solve... I have this beautiful animal we call big mama, she is a 150lb Rottweiler sweet as can be. The problem, she is a 150lb Rott! I would love bringing her into our home but there is a issue of the gas... Yep you heard it right GAS!!! What can I do about this problem? The way to think of the smell hmmm say you have 10 small dogs, I think you get it. Can I give her Beano, or something like that? I miss her in the house so much she is a big cuddle teddy bear. Ok so more of a pigweiler, she snorts and snores and slobbers everywhere. Oh My Gosh can you believe what it cost for school pictures?!?! Really why so much I dont get it. Sorry... So about Big mama any clues?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This is a term you will probably hear alot of!!!! Ever have that moment in a conversation when OH MY GOD you have to change the subject suddenly...... thats our fluffy bunny monent!!! It doesn't matter when or what kind of a conversation we are in with each other, it always happens!!
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